Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Calling of Every Believer

   "So we are Christ's ambassadors, God making His appeal as it were through us."
II Corinthians 5:20               

 It seems that people are always trying to figure out what their calling or purpose is. Yes, God has a specific calling for everyone but along with your personal calling you are also called to be an ambassador for Christ. According to dictionary.com an ambassador is "a diplomatic official of the highest rank sent by a government to represent it on a temporary mission, as for negotiating a treaty." We have been sent by heaven to represent Christ during our temporary mission here on Earth with the goal of reconciling unbelievers to God through Christ.

Witnessing has recently become a way of life for me. It all started with an idea that God put on my heart to create small brightly colored cards that I could pass out to people while I was out running my day-to-day errands. These cards ask the question  "Are you saved?" and then explain how to become saved and what salvation means.

All this came about one day during my prayer time when I started thinking about people who don't know and have not accepted Christ and the fact that they would not receive the gift of eternal life. It drove me to tears and made me feel like I had to do something. I am so grateful that God gave me the idea to pass out these cards!

Initially, I just handed the card to people and then got out of there as soon as I could! I have always been a rather shy person but lately I have experienced a boldness that could only come from God.  Now I walk up to people, hand them the card, ask them if they're saved, and if they're not I share with them what salvation means. Sometimes I'm amazed at what God leads me to do because I have walked up to some scary, threatening looking people with no fear in my heart at all.

I'll never forget a young man named Nick who had piercings all over his face and a tattooed teardrop (which usually means that the person has killed someone). God put it on my heart to talk to him so I walked up to him plain as day and started talking to him about Jesus. My spirit was excited but my flesh was like "what are you doing?!" It turned out that he had just moved to town and was looking for a place of worship!!! He said he wanted to go to church but he knew people would look at him funny because of his tattoes and piercings. I excitedly invited him to my church and told him he could sit with me!

Please understand that I'm not urging everyone to go up to strangers and ask them if they're saved. Witnessing is the work of all believers but God calls us to do the work in different ways. The way you live your life may lead someone to Christ without you having to say a word. God may call you simply to pray for unbelievers. No matter the method we are all called to the ministry of reconciliation (II Cor. 5:18) and I pray that we all take it seriously.

Soon to come!-A Guide to Witnessing.

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