Hi all!
Welcome to my new blog! I've titled it "A Fresh Word" because so often in my quiet time with God I receive revelation and wisdom that is so awesome and life-changing that I feel compelled to share it. I pray that this blog will be insightful, informative, and encouraging.
I am writing all the time and some of the posts that you will see have come from my personal prayer journals throughout the years. If you ever have a spiritual question or a topic that you would like for me to explore feel free to e-mail me at love2write2011@hotmail.com or leave a comment. I would be more than happy to answer your question or research any spiritual topic.
One of the pieces that I'm working on now answers the question: What should I do when waiting on God makes me feel passive or stagnant? That is an issue I'm dealing with now because God has not shown me "the next" thing to do so I'm waiting for His instruction. The enemy is very crafty and he will whisper to you that you're being lazy or irresponsible because you're not doing anything, but he is a liar. It is unwise to run out and take action without hearing from God. This leads to frustration and often drives us away from the will of God. To tell the truth we actually are far from lazy when we are waiting on God because spiritually we should be praying, meditating on God's Word, and praising Him for what He's about to do.
I hope that you will return and read my blog daily to get "A Fresh Word."
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