Monday, July 11, 2011

The Power of Positive SPEAKING

We've all heard the term positive thinking, but what about positive speaking?

The ability to speak things into existence is a Biblical truth. God didn't think "Let there be light". According to Genesis 1:3 "God said Let there be light; and there was light." We were created in His image and we have the same power to "call those things that be not as though they were" (Romans 4:17). That means speaking non-existent things into existence. Now, this doesn't mean that our thinking is not important. On the contrary, our thoughts play a vital role in determining the type of life we live. Often it is the thoughts we meditate on that blossom into the words we utter.

Lately, I have been repeatedly saying "Something good is going to happen to me!" (Oral Roberts was one of the first ministers to make the idea of saying this popular and recently Joyce Meyer has also been encouraging this thought.) I've been doing this for a couple of days and this morning my 3 year old and 2 year old started saying it!

Today we went to McDonald's and while we were waiting in line to place our order a man walked by, held out his hand to my daughter and said, "Give me a high five." I am very picky about germs so my first thought was "Oh man I'm going to have to wash her hands again!" My next thought was , "Get over it and be thankful that someone is being kind and friendly." So she gave him a high five and he smiled and walked away only to immediately turn back around take out his wallet and give my daughter and my son each a one dollar bill. We exuberantly thanked him and I thought back to the fact that before we left this morning they both said, "Something good is going to happen to me!"

Wow! God is amazing! Some might say well that was just two dollars or that was just a coincidence but I know who the praise is due to. For me it wasn't just the money, but the fact that God was confirming that the principles in His Word work! If a little child can speak positively and receive the favor of God then what's stopping you?

Isaiah 30:18 (AMP) says that "the Lord waits [expecting, looking, and longing] to be gracious to you."

I encourage you to start saying "Something good is going to happen to me!" Now don't just say it, believe it and expect it and watch God work!

Once you have a testimony of God's favor as a result of speaking positively please come back and share it with everyone by leaving a comment so we can all celebrate your blessing!

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