Friday, August 12, 2011

Why Should I Go To Church?????

   It is hard for me to recall ever missing church when I was growing up because my mom was the church musician. She didn't miss a Sunday so I didn't miss a Sunday. It became a habit for me and even while I was away from home attending college I still made it a point to find a church home. It wasn't until recently that I began attending out of a thirst for the Word of God instead of out of habit. I think the reason that so many people make going to church an option instead of a vital need is because they don't realize that they're not the one giving something away (time, money, etc.). God is actually giving us something so beautiful and wonderful that if we really understood it we would NEVER miss church.

     First, if you are not excited about going to church you need to do an internal check. Are you spending time with God on your own? Do you have religion or relationship? If you feel your relationship with God is sound then you should consider and pray about whether you are in the right church.

     It is important that you are under the right leadership. Every church is not for everybody. I once asked one of my friends how I could tell if I was in the right church. She said "If the pastor is speaking a word and it ministers so perfectly to what you're going through that you have to wonder whether he or she read your journal or has been listening to your phone conversations then you're in the right place."

     I thought about what she told me the other day because I am so blessed to be in a church where every Sunday I receive a word that seems to be tailor made just for me. As I continued to meditate on this God revealed to me why certain people are assigned to certain pastors and how the Holy Spirit ministers to us through that pastor when we are divinely connected.

    I Peter 2:2 says, "Like newborn  babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation." Before deciding to breastfeed my babies I did a great deal of research. I found out that the milk produced by the mother is specifically created for that baby.  Breastmilk changes as the baby grows and matures to provide the proper nutrients that baby needs at each stage of growth. Even the best formula cannot mimic the chemical makeup of breastmilk. Just as a mother's milk is specifically created for the baby she is carrying the Holy Spirit gives pastors a specific Word for the people God has assigned to them. It is important to attend church and hear that Word from God because it was designed specifically for you in order to nourish your spiritual deficiencies. The Holy Spirit also knows when a congregation is growing and maturing so He will minister to the pastor in a way that will be refreshing and challenging so that they will not become stagnant.

      When you are receiving a Word from the Lord through your pastor you are experiencing a supernatural transfer. That is why it is so vital to be in church and hear what God has to say to you. Romans 10:17 says "So faith comes by hearing, and what is heard comes by the preaching of the message of Christ."

     So many people are suffering lack, not experiencing victory in their prayer life, and even depressed. It is ironic that when we are going through hard times many of us decrease church attendance when this is the time to be at church all the more.

     Satan does not want us to attend church regularly because he knows that one day people are going to hear a word from the Lord spoken through their pastor that answers a spiritual question they've had for years. One day your pastor is going to teach about healing and people are going to be cured of diseases that the doctor said they would never be rid of. One day your pastor is going to pray for deliverance from addiction and people are going be delivered immediately. One day your pastor is going to teach about tithing and people are going to be obedient and see the windows of heaven open for them. One day your pastor is going to talk about faith and people are going to begin to trust God like never before. One day your pastor is going to teach about miracles and people are going to turn into walking miracles.
 Are you going to be there that day?????

1 comment:

  1. Such a great post that I know is going to be inspiring to many people. Going to a Christian church is very common among my friends, and I'm sure they would completely agree with you.
